I Need This. I Want That.

With the exception of the staples: food, water, shelter, we don’t actually need much. Or do we? There’s a big difference between merely surviving and truly living. As an animal, we need to eat, drink, and be protected from disease, extreme climate, and predators. But as whole human-spiritual-social beings…what do we need in order toContinue reading “I Need This. I Want That.”

We Can’t All Be Winners. Or Can We?

Years ago, as so often happened, one of my boys said something that changed the way I see things. When one of my boys was maybe three or four years old he asked me what time it was, to which I responded, “Honey, it’s 7:05.” He then said, honestly and directly, “But dadda, ‘O’ isn’tContinue reading “We Can’t All Be Winners. Or Can We?”

Running to the Comfort of Our Burning Barns  

“The size of the gap between your passion and the amount of time you spend immersed in it is equal to the size of your unhappiness.“ Hey guys! It’s Dad. We tend to be creatures of habit; creatures of comfort. But sometimes comfort, security, and safety rob you of your riches; your best, happiest, mostContinue reading “Running to the Comfort of Our Burning Barns  “

#itsdad ~ You’ve Never Made a Wrong Decision

Hey guys! It’s Dad. When I was in college I had the privilege of taking an economics class taught by Stanford University professor and Austrian economist Kurt Leube. He opened my mind to an amazing truth that took me a long time to really wrap my head around. Sometimes this idea can be the mostContinue reading “#itsdad ~ You’ve Never Made a Wrong Decision”

#itsdad ~ Self-Esteem Comes From Yourself

“Self-esteem is the reputation we acquire with ourselves.” ~Nathaniel Branden Hey guys! It’s dad. First, I love you. You’re wonderfully, beautifully, perfectly human. 5 Words. Right? Just the way you are! So what is self esteem? Self-esteem is how we see ourselves and how we value ourselves. It’s based on our opinions and beliefs aboutContinue reading “#itsdad ~ Self-Esteem Comes From Yourself”

#itsdad – The Surfer’s Mindset

Hey guys! It’s Dad. I’ve been throwing around this idea for quite some time; that surfing is a sort of metaphor for life. Not only that events in life come through in waves, but how we surf those waves ultimately determines our happiness. It all kinda sorted itself out when I saw a social mediaContinue reading “#itsdad – The Surfer’s Mindset”

#itsdad ~ Dance like EVERYBODY’S watching!

“Dance like nobody’s watching; love like you’ve never been hurt. Sing like nobody’s listening. Live like it’s heaven on earth.” ~ Mark Twain Hey guys! It’s dad. You can probably relate to this one. I’ve heard and seen every iteration of this ubiquitous Mark Twain quote. I’ve seen it everywhere, from social media posts toContinue reading “#itsdad ~ Dance like EVERYBODY’S watching!”

#itsdad ~ The Strength In Our Scars

“Don’t look where you fell. Look where you slipped.” ~ African Proverb. Yeah. Dad’s unusual, to say the least, but I see scars as something beautiful. Maybe I have to or I could never see myself as whole, but I think that scars, the marks on our bodies that tell our most personal and transformativeContinue reading “#itsdad ~ The Strength In Our Scars”

#ItsDad ~ You Aren’t Angry

This isn’t semantics, guys, so grab some chips and dip, and lets dig in. Words are powerful. Words hurt people and heal people. Words start wars and end them. And although this post might initially seem like a play on words or a clever attempt to get you to see something from a new pointContinue reading “#ItsDad ~ You Aren’t Angry”

#Itsdad ~ Take Your Humility With a Grain of Salt

“Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility.” ~ Saint Augustine Hey guys! It’s Dad This is a quick one, but boy has it stuck with me! It’s about humility (being humble), and a simple strategy or point of viewContinue reading “#Itsdad ~ Take Your Humility With a Grain of Salt”